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Looking For Creatives

We’re Looking For Creatives

Created by: Greg Hyatt
Submitted on: March 15, 2022

We’re looking for creatives.

If there is one thing I know for sure, in today’s world having a vibrant and engaging web presence is essential to the growth of any church.

The ministry website here at CMBC has been a continual evolving process into what you see today.

We are currently looking for creatives to become a part of the team that is a part of the web content team that provides both articles, contributing ideas, and digital nerds like myself.

We want to bring more people into our online presence to become a vital part of our online ministry.

Have you ever wanted to get involved in the world of digital creativity?

Now is your chance!

What Are The Qualifications?

We are not necessarily looking for those with the skills already available, but want to bring in people who are willing to learn.

This is a chance for those who may not be actively participating in any other of ministry at Crow Mountain Baptist Church, to get involved into shaping our online presence to become even more engaging.

Obviously, a flair for conceptual design is always a plus.

Don’t be overwhelmed with what you don’t know, but rather be willing to engage and learn something new.

As a part of the digital team, you will be working with our team lead in developing a collection of branding colors, content, and creative distribution of a polished finished project.

If you feel this is something that you might like to become an active part of, please reach out to Greg Hyatt, or leave us a comment here with your complete name.

Obviously, you must be an active member of CMBC in order to be considered for this opportunity.


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Times & Location

Sunday's Schedule
Adult Sunday School | 9:45 AM
Children & Youth Sunday School | 9:45 AM
College & Careers | 9:45 AM
Teen Fusion | 9:45 AM
Morning Worship | 10:45 AM
Eve Bible Study | 6:00 PM
Wednesday Evening
Kid's Bible Club | 6:00 PM
Teen Fusion Youth | 6:30 PM
College & Careers | 6:30 PM
Adult Bible Study | 6:30 PM
Times and Location