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who needs help

Who Needs Help

Created by: Greg Hyatt
Submitted on: May 21, 2023

Who needs help? I be you do.

Unless you ever performed the position of a director in any compacity, there is always someone who is in need of help.

Whether that be in creating a special graphic for an upcoming event, making changes to a website, or creating a special slide graphic for a presentation.

Understand that your creative team and media director receive hundreds of text and emails from a variety of individuals.

In order for us to ensure that your needs are being met and that we are servicing you in a way that is prompt, we have create a special page that will allow you to complete a form to ensure that your needs are being addressed correctly.

This will ensure that your needed work will be done in a timely manner and that nothing is overlooked.

We’re not trying to make anything more challenging, but rather making it so that each of your needs are being met.

Click on the button below to submit your special request.


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Times & Location

Sunday's Schedule
Adult Sunday School | 9:45 AM
Children & Youth Sunday School | 9:45 AM
College & Careers | 9:45 AM
Teen Fusion | 9:45 AM
Morning Worship | 10:45 AM
Eve Bible Study | 6:00 PM
Wednesday Evening
Kid's Bible Club | 6:00 PM
Teen Fusion Youth | 6:30 PM
College & Careers | 6:30 PM
Adult Bible Study | 6:30 PM
Times and Location